
Once you have decided to retire your trusting four legged friend you will want to make sure you are making the right decision as to where your horse will live out his final days. This could be a difficult decision with so many ranches to consider. Your concerns maybe financial, the distance from you and that your horse is not thrown out to pasture and forgotten. Especially difficult if your horse has special needs. Since we are a small ranch that can only take on up to 10 retirement horses we offer the individual attention your horse is accustomed to at an affordable cost to you. There is no age limit for the horse, or if your horse has special needs we will do our best to accommodate them.

We make sure your horse is matched with the right pasture mate by introducing them slowly in separated pens or pastures until it is noted that they are getting along. There is no separation of mares from geldings, just whoever works out as pasture mates. Each pasture will have no more than three horses and they will have the opportunity to be rotated into different pastures to give them better grazing and less boredom.

There are several mobile veterinarians close by for you to choose from. There are two clinics and UC Davis Veterinary Hospital is 75 miles from the ranch.

Each horse will be treated with the same care I treat my own. Horses will be fed to maintain a healthy weight while given the ability to forage grass. Dry pasture will be available for overweight or cushings horses. Each horse will be fly sprayed daily in the summer with natural fly repellent and fly masks put on in the morning and taken off at night. In the winter horses that are accustomed to being blanketed or if they appear cold will be groomed and blanketed. Blankets are removed each day to allow your horses skin to breathe and get groomed. Hoof cleaning is also part of the maintenance program especially in the winter months to make sure your horse does not develop thrush. Mud is not a problem on this ranch due to the amount of rock in the soil the water drains quickly. Owner to provide fly masks and blankets.

Worming programs are available at owners cost. Equine health exams, vaccinations, dental and male sheath care is sourced to a veterinarian of choice at your cost. No cost to book appointments or hold horse for vet.

We have an excellent farrier available for hoof maintenance at a reasonable cost. No cost to book appointments or hold horse for farrier. Most horses are barefoot year around, some only need shoes in the summer months.

The ranch is a non-riding facility, you are welcome to ride off ranch. Transportation to the local parks is available if scheduled in advance.

Sorry no Drafts or stallions, our facility is not setup for them.

Each owner will be sent photos and information about how their horse is doing. I believe in keeping in close contact with you to keep you aware of any changes in your horses health, attitude and who their pasture buddies are and how they are getting along.