
We offer daily layover boarding for horse owners who have their horses at home and would like to take a vacation, relocating or just going away for a weekend. Whatever the reason we are happy to accommodate your horse or horses. We offer stalls, pens or a small pasture. Transportation is also available if needed. Short term stall care includes feed twice a day, daily turnout, stalls bedded with shavings and cleaned twice daily. Cost is $35 per day for first 3 days then drops to $30 per day, paddock or small pasture $25 per day for first 3 days then drops to $20 per day.


We also offer first aid care for owners who have an injured horse that you or your Vet require daily bandage or wrap changes and oral medications. This service provides a stall or paddock for horses under restricted movement. Hand walking, icing and cold water treatment is also available.

Cost for Care

Cleaning wounds and changing dressings $10 per bandage change. You provide dressings or purchase from us. Wraps or splints $5 per leg or all four feet at $15, you provide wraps or purchase from us. Icing $5 Soaking $5 Hand walking $10 for 15 minutes twice daily. Hoof packing and abscess care $10 Oral medications $5 given with grain or applesauce. Other first aid care contact for pricing.

Difficult or unruly horses will be charge additionally, veterinary prescribed oral pain killers or sedatives may be needed to doctor your horse.

We understand the cost of caring for an injured horse and will try to help you to keep those costs down to a minimum. However, injured horses are not always cooperative due to fear, pain and confinement. I have years of experience in dealing with all different injuries and equine personalities. Your horse will be treated with love and kindness during his or her healing. If I am unable to handle your horse a veterinary visit is recommended.